FAI Va’a™ offers a range of Va’a Tahitian outrigger canoe models in different construction layups.

Our line of Va’a Hoe or V1 (“one-man” Tahitian outrigger canoe) includes the 
V1 - FAI 3X and the V1 - FAI 3XSI which are available in different materials layup choices accommodating different types of budget.

We also build the V3 - FAI™, our Va’a Toru or V3 (“three-men” Tahitian outrigger canoe).

Color schemes are fully customizable and remain the paddler’s choice. Custom art may require a template and certain requests require an additional cost to be determined by the amount of work needed to achieve the result expected.
We invite you to visit our Facebook page www.facebook.com/TahitianVaa and take a look at our photo albums to get color and design inspiration.

Each of our Va'a come outfitted with matching ama and iatos.http://www.facebook.com/TahitianVaashapeimage_3_link_0
Va’a Toru
Va’a Hoe
V 1 - FAI 3XV1FAI_3X.htmlshapeimage_6_link_0
V 3 - FAIV3FAI.htmlshapeimage_7_link_0
About    |    Products    |   How to order    |    Team    |    Links    |    ContactPhilosophy.htmlProducts.htmlOrder.htmlTeam.htmlLinks.htmlContact.htmlshapeimage_16_link_0shapeimage_16_link_1shapeimage_16_link_2shapeimage_16_link_3shapeimage_16_link_4shapeimage_16_link_5
V 1 - FAI 3XsIV1FAI_3Xsi.htmlshapeimage_19_link_0

Canoes - Va'a


   V 1 - FAI 3X
   V 1 - FAI 3XSI


   V 3 - FAI

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